Dan’s Den

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                                                                                                                      Pastor Dan Longmore

                                                                       Devotional Message


       Let us briefly think about our comfortable homes and Surroundings.  Often times the comfort of our favorite chair or sofa makes us reluctant to get up and complete the necessary work that is weighing on our minds.  When we must visit a new store or another town, we may feel a bit intimidated.

       Or even a little fearful because of all new things or the unknown that we may be confronted with upon our visit.  Yes, all of us like the familiar and comfortable and most likely, left up to us, we would never leave the comfortable and familiar.

       When we hear the command of Jesus to “Go and make disciples of all nations”, Matt. 28:19, we can tend to become fearful and choose to keep our faith quiet or private.  Yes, we like the familiar church we attend and the group of believers.  The worship songs are just right and life is comfortable.  Like with the Apostles Jesus calls us out of our comfort and familiarity to go into our worlds and preach the Gospel.  (Mark 16:15)

       Now our world of influence may be big or rather small.  Whether we know people from across the globe or just across the street the Great Commission remains the same.  When Jesus told His disciples that they would be his witnesses, (Acts 1:8-9) Jesus told them to start right where they were in Jerusalem.  After that they were to broaden their horizons and go even into Samaria where they would share the Good News with people who despised them. 

        Today let’s you and I begin to ask the Lord where we can go in our worlds and share His love, peace, joy and promise of eternal life.  Who is near to us that needs a helping hand, better understanding of the Scriptures or just needs to know about Jesus perhaps for the first time in their lives.  Yes, it will make us a little uncomfortable, perhaps we may feel intimidated because of the person we are witnessing to, and going anywhere is always a little risky.  Since Jesus has all authority however, Matt. 28:18, you and I must be willing to go into our worlds and make disciples.  Who in our sphere of influence and neighborhood could use a friend to tell them about the love of Jesus?


    Pastor Dan

     Marsh Creek Brethren in Christ Church

     Howard, PA 16841


Me hang gliding with our instructor Mike

Dan 4

My wife Marty and Mike

Marty 8 sm

Pastor Dan is bi-vocational. He works part time for radio station WRGN hosting a contemporary Christian music program called "Refresh and Renew".

It airs from 2pm to 5pm (ET)  Mondays through Fridays and can be heard anywhere in the world where there's internet access.

Just go to www.wrgn.com and click "Listen online" or click the link here.